a. Simply assembling some of the sonic emanations of "The Greek".
b. Un-Official Independent Sonic File Shelf
c. "Your law comes from your diety, so, pick one." "The Greek".

"Greekspeak", Divine Minds take note...

"Greekspeak" From A Few Years Back

These four short segments are from a "Divine Mind Group's" Community Call; a participant,  gentleman comments on the hearing of what "The Greek" shared over several previous, well attended online forums particularly respecting the lawful reckoning of time  and the "ice bridge" traversed as in Exodus.

Audio File
(9 mins. 50 secs.)

Divine Mind Group's Community Call, Episode 23 Talkshoe.  (a few years back)

[please note: Not to be construed as an endorsement of the Divine Mind Group or any participant in said call.]