a. Simply assembling some of the sonic emanations of "The Greek".
b. Un-Official Independent Sonic File Shelf
c. "Your law comes from your diety, so, pick one." "The Greek".

 Episode FOUR
There is another society that is non-material, non-corporeal and it affects... the material world as a plurality.
Established common “religious belief” systems such as monotheism are confronted as the universal order~the existing plurality of Deities~historically acknowledged and well documented by secular historians is outlined. Humanity’s current state: “dummy loaded”, ignorant of all but the most recent times and “cosmically censored” is discussed and a “higher vantage point” of view offered.
Hour 1 Hour 2
"Dummy load" is an an electrical engineering term. Extra current is soaked up by dummy loading the system. Society is dummy loaded as such, to keep it from blowing up, by/with a myriad of distractions - beliefs, movements, trends.  (digest)

 Episode FIVE
The largest ship is controlled by the smallest ruder; it is a fine element that controls society. The calendar is a key element. Lawful timekeeping is addressed and a "first grade primer" given as "The Greek"expands upon the "spurious" aspects of the darkly based "pope's work schedule" and its universal spiritual ramifications.
J.J. Thompson, the Oxford Bell, UFO disclosure, "The Nuclear Scare Scam" are among the topics related to "Free Energy" broached with candor and finally points germane to future geopolitical events are set forth.
Hour 1 Hour 2
The Gregorian calendar is spurious, it’s a work schedule. And, no-one is paying attention. This is as primary as the question, “Who is controlling this fine detail?   (digest)