a. Simply assembling some of the sonic emanations of "The Greek".
b. Un-Official Independent Sonic File Shelf
c. "Your law comes from your diety, so, pick one." "The Greek".

Episode FIVE "The Greek"

  • The Gregorian calendar is spurious. It is a work schedule.  And, no-one is paying attention.  This is as primary as the question, “Who is controlling this fine detail?”.
  • A Federal Reserve Note is a canceled check on a closed account based on the birth certificate.
  • “The largest ship is controlled by the smallest ruder.”  It is a fine element that controls society.  The calendar is a key element.
  • The “wind-up toy” known as the clock can be divided many ways.  Many variations have existed.  It is a corporate nomenclature set up by the plantation owner.
  • January - December do not exist in the biblical or other ancient religious texts.
  • Cosmically, by observation it could be reckoned as the seventh day of the Ninth Month.
  • Nature does not run on the pope’s calendar.
  • This is a society in full darkness. Day, month and year all start at the darkest parts of the day, the month and the year:  Their  New Moon is the Dark Moon.
  • “The first day of the month is when you sight the full moon in the East”;  the full moon appears the same size as the sun.  As the lawful day starts at High Noon, “it would be sighted in that evening and prior to dawn.  Prior to dawn it would be in the West and that evening it would be in the East.”  The New Moon is sighted that evening for a very short time thus the first day of the month is confirmed by two sightings.  
  • The first day of the month is set apart from the rest.  ”So, if you count seven days after that for your first moon phase, the eighth day of the month is the sabbatical rest...then the fifteenth, twenty-second and twenty-ninth dates on.  "They are all divisible by seven if you hold one (seven plus one, fourteen plus one, twenty-one plus one, twenty-eight plus one) because you have to carry over the first day."
  • The "Walls of Jericho" narrative in Joshua functions as s a first grade primer on how to keep time lawfully.  Jericho means, “The City of the Moon”.
  • When one acts unlawfully one makes enemies in the spiritual world.  Humanity has a spiritual stench.
  • The “Oxford Bell” has been ringing for one hundred and fifty years, plus.  "In class they preach one thing but in the hallway they have a bell ringing powered by a voltaic pile."
  • J..J. Thompson: electrical lines of force attach to an object- object gains weight and momentum   .Neutralizing the same produces a cancelling of inertia, weight and momentum.  Mass having weight is an illusion.  Instant starts and stops utilize longitudinal wave type electricity.  (UFO phenomena)
  • Electricity was defined as an energy confined within human beings till relatively recently yet they only administer drugs and surgery.  “Where’s your electrical medicine?”
  • Physics departments and electrical engineering departments essentially cancel one and other out.  (-1)+1= 0
  • The number "six" is the number of Man.  Lucifer was a Babylonian king and he’s dead.


Always refer to the audio in its entirety for a full appreciation of all of the report. "Digests" are basic and could contain unfortuAnate error(s) or omit something of particular interest to the listener.