a. Simply assembling some of the sonic emanations of "The Greek".
b. Un-Official Independent Sonic File Shelf
c. "Your law comes from your diety, so, pick one." "The Greek".

Episode FOUR "The Greek"

  • "Dummy load" is an an electrical engineering term.  Extra current is soaked up by dummy loading the system.  Society is dummy loaded as such (to keep it from blowing up) by myriads of distractions:  beliefs, movements, trends.
  • "Big Secret"  In nature cold rises and heat descends.  Breaking down/chemical decomposition leads to the inverse.  No one is paying attention.  "People are happy with a hot head and cold feet."
  • Government is representative of the masses.  
  • The term "god" is erroneous in the first place.  It is a plural.  "Their allegiance is to something that doesn't even exist."
  • One has to go further back in history than a mere few centuries.  There's a multitude of information regarding specifics of the non-material aspect of existence.  Round the mid-Nineteenth Century information was cut off and Ffive-Hundred B.C. -  "big cosmic censorship".
  • "Glass towers from a spiritual point of view are made of sand."  At universal level there is perfect harmony.  "There's no reason to make them last a long time."  There is a myopic view of reality.  "A thousand years ago they were made to last a thousand years."
  • Plurality - "There is another society that is nonmaterial, non-corporeal and it affects ..  the material world, " as a plurality.
  • There is a society of Gods.
  • "The chief God is not subject to death, all the others are."
  • Secular historians have cataloged over three thousand spiritual entities by name. Over two thousand of those were classified as Gods. 
  • "Religion"  simply means something one does on a regular basis.  Why?  Because, "Your law comes from your deity.  What you eat, what you wear, how you keep time, how you do business, how you raise a family."
  • This planet is under the Goddess religion -  malicious and malevolent.  
  • There are three bloodlines on this planet today.
  • All of creation in the biblical text is a "remaking".  
  • "Time is simply the recordation of events."
  • Is the money, legal system, "religions" based on anything? .. No, they are fiat.
  • There is only one interpretation, but many versions.
  • Prophesy cant be changed or it wouldn't be prophesy.
  • The Ether has never been fully qualified but there is a collection of information that has been preserved.
  • You will not find the concept of reincarnation in any ancient text.
  • The Gods do not work in futility. "To say that a message was written to not be understood is to call the Gods futile."
  • Social ranks also exist in the spiritual realm. Higher and lower are terms for communication purposes.  It's a lateral Kingdom.
  • The knowledge of these things will increase as we go into the future.   
  • There is no peace in the spiritual realm of man right now.
  • Many primitive cultures were quite advanced to see that there is an elemental/spiritual side to everything we see.  There are deities behind pestilences, cockroaches, etc.
  • The Elohim are the Emanators. 
  • Take anything you know, turn it it upside down and then it's right side up.
  • Man can not discern spiritual matters.  It will start rearing it's head in this realm.
  • High vantage point information which can be accessed will allow one to live their life more efficiently.
  • One of the signs of the Age coming to the end is the destruction of duality.

Always refer to the audio in its entirety for a full appreciation of all of the report. "Digests" are very basic and could contain unfortunate error(s) or omit something of particular interest to the listener.