a. Simply assembling some of the sonic emanations of "The Greek".
b. Un-Official Independent Sonic File Shelf
c. "Your law comes from your diety, so, pick one." "The Greek".

Episode TWO "The Greek"

  • The curiosity of a child with full maturity is necessary to evaluate current medical practices/quackery.  People are walking around in a trance.
  • Your body is under a slight vacuum condition as evidenced by various easily observable physiological effects.  "A contractable force".   "All biological things have a slight vacuum.
  • There’s an entire industry built around it;  the religion of blood pressure and people simply don’t question it’s legitimacy.
  • All living things “take in”.  There’s an inward motion when things are alive. (negative pressure.)  When they die they become outward projecting.  (positive pressure)
  • In a future society, medicine will be based on this knowledge.
  • Your whole body is sealed inside and out otherwise one would “leak”.   Openings are either anatomical tunnel, dead end or cul-de-sac and are effectively sealed.  Nothing can be porous.   Interstitial spaces are air tight.  Nothing can be absorbed.  Your body is not a filter bag.
  • The body produces and diminishes liquids in a very similar manner, energetically, as how one can observe rain form and fall from under the clouds.  The intestines absorb nothing.
  • All study in the field of electricity was historically based and attributed to biological systems/living things.  There is biological electricity (measured in millivolts). Capacitors and coils form electrical systems and are akin to what is occurring  in biological systems.
  • The whole of the modern medical industry is grounded in 2-5 thousand years of  battlefield medicine. And, it’s a religion.
  • Currently at play are “cosmic censorship” and the limiting of information by the medical establishment.  "Misdirection from the technicians." People simply do what they're told.
  • "There's a measurable voltage in the body.  It's been swept under the rug." 
  • People should be asking for "Free Power" not "Free Energy."
  • The concept of calories, by definition, has nothing to do with concept of biological compatibility.
  • The common cold/ flu being caused by cold weather pathogens is erroneous. "Vitamin C" in a cold climate in winter is useless."
  • Acclimation to climate is key to avoiding "seasonal" ailments (i.e. eating foods in season, cross- latitudinally. It's the same for animals.
  •  Mucous increases vacuum and is produced in response to the body losing vacuum. 
  • Live blood testing is fought against by the establishment.
  • "What do cannibals, birthdays and dolls have in common?"  This will become mainstream knowledge in the future.
  • People who have a taste for pork have a taste for human flesh.
  • "Why does a bucket of water weigh more than a bucket air?"  Water can't be H2O and still say that the periodic table is accurate.
  • There is no wisdom in being absorbed in what is going on without understanding it.

Special MentionsViktor Schauberger,  Frank Chester,  Louis Kervran,  Ruth Drown  

Always refer to the audio in its entirety for a full appreciation of all of the report. "Digests" are very basic and could contain unfortunate error(s) or omit something of particular interest to the listener.