a. Simply assembling some of the sonic emanations of "The Greek".
b. Un-Official Independent Sonic File Shelf
c. "Your law comes from your diety, so, pick one." "The Greek".


"An Unorthodox Approach To The Subject"

Trevor James Constable pioneered an unorthodox approach to weather modification utilizing the  ETHER that succeeded in achieving objectify-able meteorological results.  This approach entails the access and manipulation of etheric potential thus creating conditions favorable for certain meteorological events to come to pass.

Technical access to the Ether to control and engineer the weather is based on three central premises:
(1)  There is a primordial mass of free energy...
(2)  Ether is technically accessible...
(3)  Assume the Ether is like the ocean...

Uncommon Sense 16 for more information.